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Sunday, March 31, 2013

This Easter, We’re Multiplying
in a Big Way!

The Big Bear Country Store Grows up to Become the All Natural Country Store.

Long before J.R Ewing of the television series “Dallas” captured the attention of millions of Americans as head of the Ewing clan, J.R. Watkins was helping thousands of post-Depression men and women realize the American dream of building a home business to support their families. The J.R. Watkins Company began in 1868, but by the late 1900s the founder’s door-to-door sales team had expanded throughout the United States and Canada.                                                                                                        

Today, the former Big Bear Country Store, a Watkins distributorship in a small Southern California mountain lake community, experienced significant growth throughout 2012, and is about to achieve a record-breaking first quarter of 2013. More than one relative or long-time friend has come by its Watkins booth at public events, ruffled the thinning hair of Alan Lukes or rubbed the bald head of David Gurzenski, to say, “I remember when you two guys were like some small time, mom-and-pop operation. Somehow, you proved all the soothsayers wrong.”

This Easter, as millions of Americans are dying eggs and filling themselves with spongy yellow chicks, the Watkins management team of Alan Lukes and David Gurzenski are seeing the fruits of their labor begin to germinate. Five short years ago, at a time when the recession was crushing at least 90 % of new business, they opened their fledgling business in Big, Bear, California. It was Lukes, who first convinced Gurzenski that the time was right to make a fresh start. Both of them saw their positions disappear when the economy took a drastic turn. Today, they credit much of their success to an excellent brand in J.R. Watkins Naturals, an upper management team second to none, the power of the Internet, and lots of hard work. They are perfectly satisfied with being big fish in a small pond; living in a location like Big Bear Lake has its blessings. However, they quickly learned you had to have more than one, maybe even more than two jobs, before you begin to see the fruits of your labor pay off.  Some folks aren’t made for this kind of a lifestyle – it doesn’t provide much security when you are accustomed to having a big corporate giant behind you with all sorts of perks, such as stock options, excellent medical benefits and corporate matching of employee saving contributions. Despite all that Gurzenski and Lukes are spreading their Watkins wings well beyond the borders of Big Bear.  They have built their own sales team of some 50 consultants and a customer base of nearly 1,000 customers from Southern California to Maine, from Seattle, Washington to Key West, Florida. They also have moved across our northern border into several Canadian providences.

Certainly much of that growth is due to the reputation for quality, natural products that J.R. infused in a growing line of apothecary, gourmet foods and spices, and all natural body and home care products. The Big Bear Country Store began it growth spurt in early 2012 when they decided to advertise on Google, one of the Internet’s largest and most recognized search engines. Spurred on by the expanding confidence of the computer for online transactions, requests for Watkins catalogs, online orders and questions about the Watkins business opportunity came pouring in from across the country.

Not that Alan and David have decided to forgo the Big Bear weekly farmers market and other public events throughout San Bernardino and other surrounding counties. Big Bear’s first Tuesday farmer’s market will begin April 2. Their next appearance takes place at the San Bernardino Home and Garden Show April 5, 6 and 7. For further details about these events, check out our web site at www.AllNaturalCountyStore.com.  

“These events keep us in touch with our local communities, and help us determine the most requested products in each city; we’re always on the lookout for others interested in launching their own home business,” said Alan. As far as those favorite products, “J.R. Watkins’ first product -- a red Pain Liniment he first produced in his kitchen sink back in 1968 -- is still popular, but the double-strength vanilla, black pepper and cinnamon have won international awards at World Fairs. Recently, the introduction of dip and snick mixes and other gourmet seasonings have helped lead a new generation of young Americans and Canadians  ready to give up high calorie fast foods to Watkins’ all-natural life style,” adds David, “thereby expanding the name of our business to the All Natural Country Store.”

This new branding follows the same path established by the parent company, where the word “Naturals” appears on most of its 350+ products. It gives us great pride to feel part of a movement much larger than ourselves, and we invite others across the country to join us on this exciting path as well,” said David.  For more information, please use our toll-free number 888-881-7372.


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