Protecting America’s
Youngest Citizens
Youngest Citizens
Baby Products
line shows Watkins growing emphasis for all natural products for every age.
Let’s face it. There’s nothing like a newborn baby to make
most people go ooooo and aaahhh! And for good reason. These young ones depend
on their moms and dads to protect them from all the challenges that life will
soon hand them. Probably one of the major decisions parents have to make early
on is the type of products will be used to introduce their young ones to the
feel and smell of a life around them.

Fast-forward to 2012 when that same philosophy brought about the introduction of a product off-shoot dedicated to babies. Each element of the line focuses on a specific need voiced by parents in focus groups before those products were unveiled.

Of course, one of the most recognizable names in baby products is Johnson & Johnson. Those individuals in the Watkins Research & Development Develop realized that they had to go beyond what was already on the market to fill in the gaps that needed to be addressed. While the actual type of products is similar, the Watkins line focused on the need for all natural ingredients.
As a
result, the Baby Oil, Soothing Baby Balm, Baby Wash and Baby Lotion are
completely all natural in their content. Parents have the same 30-day, 100%
all-money back guarantee that these products will not cause any negative
reaction to their young sons and daughters. If you have any specific question regarding
these our Baby Line products, please contact the managers of the All Natural
Store at 888-881-7372. If they can’t answer your questions, they have contacts
at the corporate office that can. ~