What New Year’s Resolution List?
You aren’t the only one who somehow
misplaced that document, which you spent so much time developing at the close
of 2012.
You were so intent to start 2013 becoming a better person. No more junk
food. Early to bed, early to rise. That gym bag would come out of the back of
your closet. And the one that seems to be on many of those New Year’s
Resolution lists – This would be the year your started your own business.
There are many
excuses people have in not getting around to that one. We’ve heard them all. I think I’ve told many people that Alan had to
tie me up and throw me in his vehicle to get me to Las Vegas and listen to
various Watkins leaders say, “If only I had gotten into this business much
earlier, I’d be a rich woman today!” Sure, I wish that I had gotten into real
estate investment and education a decade ago when properties were doubling in
value every year. Those were the good old days. But the U.S. went into a
recession. My investment properties tumbled in value to half the price I paid
for them. My position teaching real estate at a Southern California business
school was longer needed.
Yet the more
I heard about J.R. Watkins and the 145-year-old company that still carries his
name, the more I could see why so many U.S. households were familiar with its
top-selling products. Just knowing that Watkins experienced its greatest growth
during the Great Depression made me feel it was time to stop searching for
another 9-to-5 job that would make my young, inexperienced boss look good.

As a result
of our success last year, we will be attending the Watkins Grand Prize Getaway
April 10 through the 14 in sunny Scottsdale. Yup! Another all-expense trip
thanks to Watkins! That’s just about the time we will be tired of shoveling
snow in Big Bear Lake, California. I can already smell the petunias and star
I’m familiar with Scottsdale because
I received my bachelor’s degree in journalism just up the road in 1969. Count
backwards and you can guess my age! I’m thankful to Watkins for more than the
extra income it brings in every month. It also gives me the opportunity to use
my skills in writing, marketing, design and advertising. I actually was a very
shy kid when I first got that piece of parchment. But in the last five years --
for the first time in my life – I’m more confident, more self-assured, and able
to walk up to a prospective customer without being worried about rejection. It
happens. That’s life. As Cher told Nicolas Cage after he said, “But I love you.” She
replied with a sharp slap to his face, “Snap out of it!” But he pursued and won
her heart. Oh, to think of all the positions I failed to even apply for because
I felt I wouldn’t be chosen, then go into deep depression for the next month.
Life hands you lemons, but as the
saying goes, make lemonade out of them. If we had quit Watkins in the first six
months because sales weren’t rolling in, I might have remained that shy,
secluded individual afraid of life. Today, I know I deserve the success that we
have achieved in Watkins. And I’m very content with what I have. Who knew that
only $39.95 would begin such a transformation!
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its
best day and night to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle
any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. E.E. Cumming