As Valentine’s Day rolls
around, there are so many magnificent ladies in our lives that we can’t
let the holiday slip by without mentioning just a few of them. In the last
year, both of these special women experienced major health challenges that
required hospitalization, causing all of us who love them dearly (and there are
literally hundreds who do) much concern.
But as the new year began,
both of them experienced major comebacks, making significant strides in their
health, as well as their involvement with Watkins. Jo Handwerk is one of the
top leaders of our Watkins team, having started with the organization when there
was no Internet, no national conference calls, and – believe it or not – no cell
How did this tiny women
(she couldn’t be more than five feet max) become one of the top salespeople in
Watkins, with thousands of managers and customers who have signed up under her?
“I love people. I love talking to them every day, asking them about their life,
and how I can make it better. It’s that simple,” says Jo, with that lovely
twinkle in her eye.
Now a spry 83 years
young, Jo began her home business in the small community of
Lillooet, BC, Canada, many years ago. The population in the town proper still
hovers around the 2,400 mark. She just wasn’t going to let such obstacles get
in her way. Instead, Jo used her special charm to win people over, turn them
into customers -- and eventually – new Associates. She became active in her
local Chamber of Commerce, making sure she could name everyone on sight. Jo
also provided all Chamber members a 10% discount on all Watkins products they
Even though she had to
attend the 2011 Watkins International Conference in a wheel chair due to recuperation
from surgery, Jo was named the 4th Top Bronze Manager in the entire
company based on the sales of her downline team. She was also named the 1st
Place Bronze Manager based on the number of new consultants she brought into
her downline during the year. Jo is an inspiration to anyone starting a second
career in a small town. “I just tell them, ‘Honey, the only way from here is

Ruth was one of the first
locals, who signed up as a member of our Watkins Wholesale Shoppers Club when
we were just launching our Watkins business back in 2009. She invited us over
one day to see her Watkins spice collection, many of the glass bottles
purchased from a relative back in the 40s, who was an early Watkins
door-to-door salesman. Ruth said we could have her collection for our
historical display at public events on one condition – that we sell her brand
new replacement tins of every spice Watkins has added to its product line over
the years.
2011 was a difficult year
for Ruth. The only damage from a minor fender bender was the impact on Ruth’s
fierce independence since she had to give up her driver’s license. But Alan and
her many friends have developed quite a taxi service that is always there when
she has to pick up groceries or check her PO box.
We had planned a 95th
birthday party for Ruth following church services on Sunday, Dec 19th.
But Ruth was rushed to the hospital just days before with a rapid heartbeat.
Doctors had her confined to a wheel chair for weeks, doubting if her frail body
could even handle physical therapy. Today, she’s walking again on her own, but
chuckles, “I can walk much faster with a strong man by my side.”
When asked what her
favorite Watkins product is, Ruth is quick to respond, “the Ultra-Rich HandCream, of course,” which she uses daily. She manages to go through a jar at
least once a month, saying she practically “baths in it.” When she tells people
she just turned 95, many claim she doesn’t look a day over 75. Ruth credits her
longevity to a few cups of coffee every morning, and her young-looking skin to
her Watkins moisturizing cream!
Ruth tells everyone she
knows about Watkins, and that includes pretty much everyone in town. We credit
Ruth with the latest Associate to join our local Big Bear Country Store Power
Team, who happens to be Ruth’s housekeeper. Kim Briones is having her Watkins
business grand opening party later this month, and you can bet who wants to be
one of the first people to be there to show her support. That’s our Ruthie!